Abstract of Presentation to the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences,

April 5, 2003


Software Developed for Near-Real-Time Internet Seismic Signals


A software system, named Seismic Internet Monitoring Application (SIMA), has been developed to allow the near-real-time display and evaluation of seismic traces on the Internet.  SIMA consists of three components:  an imbedded microsystem (called a TINI) that is connected to as many as four seismometer amplifiers; a network-enabled server that displays and broadcasts the seismic signals over the Internet; and a client software application that allows for remote display, evaluation, storage/retrieval of the seismic data.   Presently, seismic signals are available from two institutions to demonstrate the functionality of the system.  All SIMA software components are free and are available for downloading from www.physics.moravian.edu/seismic.  Any person with a computer that runs any version of Windows from 95 through XP can receive near-real-time seismic signals from these sites over the Internet.   Institutions with seismometers need only the TINI hardware (cost:  approximately $250) to broadcast their signals over the Internet via SIMA software.