Moravian Weather Instruments

The view above is from the north, looking south. The instruments are on a mast on the left side of the tallest portion of Collier Hall of Science, the building on the left.

The view above is from the east, looking west. Here the mast holding the instruments can be seen clearly. The rain gauge is mounted on the iron railing rather than the mast. The railing surrounds the upper-most portion of the roof, which is used as a telescope platform.

The view above is from the south, looking north. The mast supports two anemometers; one is for the Davis Weather Monitor II unit that transmits weather data over the Internet, whereas the other is only for a local weather display.

The view above is from the west, looking east. The mast that holds the weather instruments is on the upper-left edge of the tallest portion of the building.

The view above is also from the west, looking east, but is taken by standing on the western edge of the telescope platform. The metal mast and its three stabilizing wires can be clearly seen.