Star Parties

I am a member of the Superstition Mountain Astronomical League, which has as part of its objectives to "supplement public education, to provide the community with telescopic views of celestial objects and to answer questions about astronomy and astronomical equipment." Shown here is a star party at a local community college. Unlike this event, most star parties occur in dark local locations.

A favored location for star parties is in Lost Dutchman State Park. It is local, park facilities are available, and the skies are dark. In addition, it is a very dramatic location.

There are many telescopes of many different types at these star parties.

Shown is the setup phase in preparation for the coming darkness and the arrival of the inquisitive public.

There is a beauty in the experience for all concerned.

For information about the Superstition Mountain Astronomical League, see the following: and for the image repository, see the following:

For additional information about the commmuity of Gold Canyon, see the following website:

For information about Lost Dutchman State Park, see the following: