Science Education Videos
Maintained by Reeves Library
(revised 7/18/2006)


An Introduction to the Microscope

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 1:  Will This Be on the Test?  Knowing vs. Understanding

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 2:  What'd I Get?  Scoring Tools

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 3:  Is this going to Count?  Embedded Assessment

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 4: I Didn't Know This Was an English Class!  Connections Across the Disciplines

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 5:  You will be Tested on This?  Standardized Testing

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 6:  That Would Never Work Here!  Seeing Assessment Reform in Action, I

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 7:  That Would Never Work Here Either!

Assessment in Math and Science:  What's the Point?  Tape 8:  When I was in School...Implementing Assessment Reform

Challenge Me!  National Science Education Standards Video

Chemical Hazards

Classroom-ready Internet Curriculum

Internet in the Classroom

Internet in the Classroom

Physics of Toys in Space

Piaget's Developmental Theory:  An Overview

Practicing Safe Science

Private Universe (A)

Radionuclide Hazards

Science Simply Amazing

Scientific Spin Doctors

Teaching in the Block Engaging Students in Active Learning Program 3 Examples from Math and Science

Video Outreach:  Doing Something, the Need to Know the Chemical Industry - Right Chemistry

World Population