this semester
This semester (Fall 2018), I'm team-teaching BIOL210 (Genetics) with Prof. Thévenin.
last semester
Last semester I taught BIOL365 (Advanced Genetics).
I've taught a number of courses since coming to Moravian:
- BIOL100 (Principles of Biology): a one-semester survey course for non-majors, with laboratory.
- BIOL210 (Genetics): a one-semester survey course required for majors, with laboratory.
- BIO265 (Cell Physiology): a one-semester course required for majors, with laboratory.
- BIOL291 (Medical Terminology): a one-semester course covering a very wide range of medical terminology for students interested in pre-health professions.
- BIOL327 (Biochemistry I): originally a one-semester survey course for majors (with laboratory), with the advent of our new Biochemistry major this has become the first course of a two-semester sequence (still with laboratory, of course).
- BIOL342 (Animal Development): a one-semester course for majors, with laboratory.
- BIOL363 (Genomics): a one-semester computer-based course focusing on real-world genomic sequence finishing and annotation; I am a member of the Genomics Education Partnership.
- BIOL365 (Molecular Genetics): a one-semester course for majors, with laboratory.
- BIOL370 (Biology Seminar): a one-semester "capstone" course required for majors. No laboratory, but many students feel that two research papers and two 15-minute presentations (not including questions) is far worse….
- BIOL390.2 (Directed Research in Biology): a one-semester, half-credit course allowing students to carry out research with a faculty mentor.
- LINC100.2 (Introduction to College Life): a half-semester course for incoming freshman, intended to help them make the transition to college successfully. No, just like everyone's been telling you for years, "College is not like high school."
- WRIT100 (Oddly, it doesn't have any other name; everyone just calls it "Writing 100"): a one-semester required course for freshman, focusing on improving writing and editing skills and enduring multiple drafts of multiple papers.
- BIOL112 (General Zoology): this is a one-semester course for majors, with laboratory, but my role was solely running a couple of the lab sections. I'm broadly trained, but even I have limits.
- CHM/BIOS 371(Elements of Biochemistry I): this was a distance-learning course in structural biochemistry for Masters-level students at Lehigh University which I taught in the summer of 2002.
- "The Molecular Biology of Learning and Memory": in the summers of 2004 and 2005, I was invited to teach a special short course (1 credit, 12 classroom hours) to undergraduates at Nagoya University in Japan.