Ed 228 Course description from the 2008 catalog:

Ed 228:  Science in the Elementary School.
Designed to help prospective teachers interpret children's science experiences and guide them in developing scientific concepts.  Involves a study of science content material, modern elementary science curricula, and techniques helpful in teaching science in the elementary school.
Prerequisite: One course in science or the permission of the instructor; EDUC 150 and 155; QPA of 2.70.
Three 50minute periods, one 3-hour laboratory.

The syllabus for the Ed 228 course from the Fall, 2008, semester is available as a Word document. All my syllabi in all the courses that I taught during my entire career were printed on both sides of only a single sheet of paper.

The graded portions of the course were based upon several assignments.

A collection of software appropriate for science instruction in the elementary schools was maintained for support of this course.

Students in the course, working in groups, conducted hands-on science activities in local public, private, and parochial elementary schools.  The record of the schools, dates, and topics for the Fall semester of the following years are available on this site as Word documents: