Archaeoastronomy Page

Gerencher's Archaeoastronomy Page

Sites of archaeoastronomy which I have visited:
(click on thumbnails below to enlarge)

Stonehenge.jpg (162285 bytes)
Stonehenge, England

Stonehenge_plan1.jpg (125640 bytes)
Plan of Stonehenge, England
(from Stonehenge Decoded, by Gerald Hawkins)

Stonehenge_plan2.jpg (128975 bytes)
Some alignments at Stonehenge
(from Stonehenge Decoded, by Gerald Hawkins)

Carnac.jpg (158816 bytes)
Carnac, France

Carnac_dusk.jpg (86241 bytes)
Carnac, France, at sunset

observatory2_Chichen_Itza.jpg (191268 bytes)
Caracol, Chichen Itza, Mexico

Chichen_Itza_Caricol.jpg (376549 bytes)
Alignments at Caracol, Chichen Itza, Mexico
(from Shywatchers of Ancient Mexico, by Anthony Aventi) 

Chichen_Itza__Castillo.jpg (360423 bytes)
Equinox heirophany of the Castillo at Chichen Itza
(from Shywatchers of Ancient Mexico, by Anthony Aventi) 
Notice the shadow on the left ramp at Equinox sunrise looks like a snake.

Dzibilchaltun1.jpg (138687 bytes)
House of Dolls,
 Dzibilchaltun, Mexico

Dzibilchaltun2.jpg (97023 bytes)
Closer View of
House of Dolls, 
Dzibilchaltun, Mexico

Dzibilchaltun_shirt.jpg (23984 bytes)
Shirt showing equinox sunrise alignment at 
Dzibilchaltun, Mexico

Dzibilcahaltun3.jpg (226370 bytes)
View from inside House of Dolls,
Dzibilchaltun, Mexico

pyramid_at_Giza.jpg (283359 bytes)
Great Pyramid, Egypt

Abu_Simbel1.jpg (185500 bytes)
Abu Simbel, Egypt

Abu_Simbel2.jpg (123930 bytes)
Sunlight striking statues inside Abu Simbel, Egypt

(all photographs by J. Gerencher)