Lehigh Valley Geology Field Trips

Field Trip #1:  South Field Trip

The Topography, Structure, and History of the Oldest and Youngest Rocks of the Region

(click on map image to enlarge)

ft1_general_Map2D_0.jpg (410666 bytes)
(Source:  DeLorme 3-D TopoQuads)

Field trip #1 explores the area to the south of Bethlehem.  The locations of the stops are indicated by the red flags on the above map.
     Stop #1:   South Mountain summit
     Stop #2:   RR track near DeSales University
     Stop #3:   RR track near Coopersburg
     Stop #4:   side of country road outside Coopersburg
     Stop #5:   floodplain near Pleasant Valley
     Stop #6:   bedrock by Delaware River floodplain

Topics considered are as follows:
     Stop #1:  Materials, Structure and Topography of the Lehigh Valley
     Stop #2:  Hardyston Quartzite: A Distinctive and Useful Rock
     Stop #3:  The Youngest Rocks:  Sedimentary and Igneous
     Stop #4:  Origin of "Strange" Big Rounded Black Boulders
     Stop #5:  Floodplain and Meandering Stream Features
     Stop #6:  Allentown Formation:  Soluble Limestones and Dolomites